[MD] Intellect vs. Intellectualism

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Mon Nov 29 07:18:11 PST 2010

No sign of intellectual competency here, dmb, only more hyperbole and ad hominem dribble.  

On Nov 29, 2010, at 9:21 AM, david buchanan wrote:

> John said: 
> The question is how to improve the MoQ so that it's more easily interpreted.
> dmb says:
> The question is how to improve the interpreters. I think a person has to bend over backwards and ignore huge chunks of Pirsig's books to reach anti-intellectual conclusions about the MOQ. I mean, you really gotta be trying hard. These interpreters have brought their anti-intellectual attitudes with them and it really has very little to do with the MOQ.
> These "kill the intellect" folks simply don't care what Pirsig says about it or what he says about anything else, especially when his comments contradict what they want to believe. As everyone saw in the last few days, for example, evidence means nothing to Platt or Marsha. There is no marketing solution for that kind of problem. 


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