[MD] Conduits of Value

Jan-Anders jananderses at telia.com
Tue Nov 30 12:18:20 PST 2010


Round things are boring, but when they aren't...

anyway, the MOQ is something like but not. The three classes of the 
event is just an abstract division.


moq_discuss-request at lists.moqtalk.org skrev 2010-11-30 20.46:
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 11:17:07 -0800
> From: 118<ununoctiums at gmail.com>
> To:moq_discuss at moqtalk.org
> Subject: Re: [MD] Conduits of Value
> Message-ID:
> 	<AANLkTinEc43xscdoOx8RCLXDBkgPRWXpc6ZUx+0DLGmt at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi Jan and John,
> I like the analogy of a bubble rising in a tank.  We are such a bubble
> temporarily aware of the water which encases us.  From air to air.  The
> globular nature of matter is indeed something ever-present.  No reason not
> to use this for Quality.  Bangs come an go, what is the underlying nature of
> such?  Is is circular or directional?  We come into this world with a bang,
> this doesn't mean that it is the nature of all.  Evolution is tied up in
> bangs.  Sometimes this seem like a dead end in analogies.
> Sudden insight is wonderful, translating such into words is the crux of
> metaphysics.
> Mark
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Jan-Anders<jananderses at telia.com>  wrote:
>> >  Well, I have the lucky ability to percieve such moments without drugs.
>> >  These sudden scenes where the meeting of classic and romantic as a time
>> >  sculpture shows itself in nature.
>> >    I was learning 3D-maths at that time, which indeed sometime have an
>> >  arousing effect on mind. I'm searching for the maths, the metaphysics behind
>> >  round things, like the hypersphere, the glome, of the Big Bang itself, which
>> >  universally also lies behind the Small Bangs of any event.
>> >
>> >  Jan-Anders
>> >
>> >  moq_discuss-request at lists.moqtalk.org  skrev 2010-11-30 19.53:
>> >
>>> >>  Speaking of phantastic moment, JA, you remind me once of a canoeing
>>> >>  adventure on Lake Tahoe, on a warm sunny day in March when we seemingly
>>> >>  had
>>> >>  the whole lake to ourselves, and the crystaline nature of reality,
>>> >>  reflected
>>> >>  in the deep blue of all that melted snow under us, imposed a wonder and
>>> >>  awe
>>> >>  I still remember to this day.
>>> >>
>>> >>  The mushrooms, helped a bit, admittedly.
>>> >>
>>> >>  John
>>> >>
>>> >>  On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Jan-Anders<jananderses at telia.com>
>>> >>    wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>    >   What I would like to describe this divergence is with a small movie of
>>>> >>>  a
>>>>> >>>  >    soap bubble bouncing an a water. Water is also spheric. (just as the
>>>> >>>  planet
>>>>> >>>  >    earth is). I've seen it once and that was a phantastic moment.
>>>>> >>>  >
>>>>> >>>  >    Jan-Anders
>>>>> >>>  >
>>>>> >>>  >    "Round things are boring"   Calvin Schenkel
>>>> >>>

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