[MD] The other side of Value

X Acto xacto at rocketmail.com
Sun Jun 5 08:08:20 PDT 2011

I believe it is fair to say that Essentialism is as "logical" as the MoQ. Again, 
logic applies only to relational systems, which Essence is not.  And since we 
are denied absolute truth, I base my ontology on what is most plausible in the 
light of reason.  Admittedly, I've had little success "garnering adherents" thus 
far, but I'm learning (from participants like you) what is needed to do this 
more effectively.

For example, I found your closing paragraph not only insightful but surprisingly 
in harmony with what I've been saying:

> The explanation I am fond of is:
> The way the one manifests itself as the many is through
> the limit of value.  Through the limit of the good.
> The act of preference from atomic bonds and forces
> to intellectual freewill.
> Nothingness from this point of view is that which is not
> valued highly or at all.
> The good, Value, Quality is then both one and many,
> the eternal act of preference is the one undefinable source.
> The good is the most general of explanations of primary
> being.  It means that all of reality is a moral act. All struggle
> a conflict of morals, no evil only variable types of good
> in conflict. It gives one cause to reflect and re-examine
> our reasons for our prejudices, our likes and dislikes
> and pause to reflect on seeing life as what is better
> rather than a reactionary response to evil and nothingness.

Amen, Ron.  More of this is worth the price of a few hard knocks at the outset!

Thanks for your interest and patience,

It takes a big person to entertain what I'm saying about your thesis and I'm 
glad we came
to an amiable conclusion regarding it.Thank you for the honost dialog.

Thank you also for your interest and patience like wise.
it was much appreciated.


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