[MD] Free Will

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 08:50:08 PDT 2011

Steve to Andre:

Please try to keep it down, Andre. The adults are trying to have a conversation.

Point taken Steve.
"If preference and determinism are on the same continuum, this implies that freedom is also on a continuum from little (or none) at the inorganic static quality level...to some freedom at the biological..., considerable freedom at the social...,nearly complete choice at the intellectual...and to complete freedom at the Dynamic 'Code of Art' level... As such, it's apparent that this 'value' continuum (of freedom) stretches between largely determined sub-atomic particles to complete artistic freedom. This is important (metaphysically) as this continuum facilitates, in a largely deterministic physical world, a notion of moral responsibility and considerable intellectual freedom for an individual regarding aesthetic decisions'.

The MOQ puts an end to this ancient frewill vs determinism controversy by showing that both preference and probability are subsets of value. As the distinction between subject and object becomes relatively unimportant in the MOQ, so does the distinction between probability and preference. There is no basic difference between mind and matter with regard to freewill, only a difference in degree of freedom'.

(Anthony's PhD, p 137)

Time to play outside again.

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