[MD] The notion of Free Will

Mary marysonthego at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 05:38:51 PDT 2011

> Not either or, but neither nor, so MU.   
> Marsha

Right, but when you're talking about static free will a few questions come

As an explanation, I think Dan paraphrases RMP best when he states that to
the extent that we follow static quality, there is no choice.  By following
Dynamic Quality, we are free.  

Yes, RMP says that.  Is it true?

Can you WILL yourself not to believe that?  You might be persuaded or
convinced by evidence, but you cannot simply WILL yourself to change your

Just because you WANT to.

If you can't do that, do you have free will after all?

If DQ is always GOOD.
If DQ is the trajectory of evolution the static levels are moving along, 

Is there any such thing as free will?

 Another way to put the question.  Why do you like what you like?

If I like a painting because I feel that it speaks to me, why do I feel that
it speaks to me?

I could reel off reasons.  But that doesn't answer the question.

Why do I value those reasons?

Do I have a choice?

Just asking.

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