[MD] Devolution vs Evolution

Howze, John@EDD John.Howze at edd.ca.gov
Thu Dec 13 07:39:22 PST 2012

Zen and the Art of Archery vs Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Maintenance

Zen seems to me...beyond any rational discourse.

Thus Metaphysics gets involved with what it IS?

But, the book for which our subject was named seems to find a point to discuss
a reason to hope for understanding, and an aim...pardon the pun

I like Eugene Herrigel book for explaining what Zen 'is', and what it is 'not'.
I like Persig's  book for explaining what we are in terms of a person with both
great insight into some problems, and great blindness into other problems.

But, we are not one or the other...we are both.
A zazen example of a koan maybe but with a point.  Looking for the lost soul
within a very narrow  parameter....
and I loved the discussions, but much of it
was  something I must read more and think more about.

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