[MD] The value of static patterns.

Andre andrebroersen at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 13:27:12 PDT 2012

Mark to Dan:

Some who read my posts do not understand what I am presenting (dmb forexample).  The posts are not written for those who can only go by the written word of the books or the academic authority within philosophy.For such posts rely on an intuitive understanding of Quality, to be comprehended.  My hope is that someone out there gets something out of my posts.  Maybe not now, but from the archives at least.

dmb had said:
See, now that particular piece of praise makes me very skeptical about your ability to discern intellectual quality. They both disagree with Pirsig in profound ways but only one of them ever made any sense. One of them is bright, well-read and reasonable and the other isn't even close. One is polite to a fault and the other is a socially oblivious egomaniac. This is exactly the sort of thing I was complaining about; the inability to distinguish philosophical ideas from psychotic drivel.

I think we can add: grandiloquent.

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