[MD] Deciphering LILA

118 ununoctiums at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 22:31:19 PDT 2012

I suppose it does not need it.

One way of seeing this form of manipulation is as an inroad to the subconscious.  When we read passages, there is a brief moment when the words enter our minds, before we reassemble the words into our intellectual "static" understanding.  That is words have meaning before we are aware that they do.  There is a filtering process that goes on which then becomes the intellect.  There are. Kim's or poems that deliver a different meaning each time I read them.  Lila seems to be delivered in "layers", whether intentionally or not.

When I find a book interesting, it is firstly for reasons that I am not aware of.  Once this meaning becomes intellectual, then I can justify why I like it.  This is how the intellect works in my opinion.  It creates "reasons" why we find something meaningful.  However there is a vast experience before that that could be termed the "pre-intellectual".  When static reasoning takes hold, much of that original meaning is left out.  I think that by playing "word games" with the words on a page one can bring that more fundamental meaning out of one's subconscious.  So, in a way it is for understanding oneself.

This self awareness can also be extrapolated to a more perennial or "mystical" understanding that man shares.  That is, the fundamental nature of our being may respond to certain patterns we are cognitively unaware of.

Therefore, in order to reveal why a book like Lila strikes at my core, I go through these exercises.  I am hoping that some of these "revelations" would have meaning to others that find Lila important in their lives.  I suppose I could grandiosely say that I am searching for the mystical in the book.

What I have found is that there are important similarities between MoQ and Hermetic or Alchemical doctrines that predate the Greeks by several thousand years.  Recently Tuukka bought up Akhenaten.  As a pharaoh he tried to introduce the "Primary Mind", or Quality.  The priests of the day did him in and tried to erase the damage he did.  In many ways, the priests of science today are trying to erase any mystical notions we may have.  However this is a losing battle on their side.

When we speak of "spiritual rationality", perhaps we are evoking a union between the mystical and the intellectual (Apollo and Dionysius as it were).  Therefore it may be of use to explore "stranger" modes for interpreting Lila.  But then again maybe not.

Sent laboriously from an iPhone,

On Mar 26, 2012, at 7:53 PM, "Michael R. Brown" <mrb at fuguewriter.com> wrote:

> Why does "Lila" need it? : )
> In unrelated news, I once had a dream intuition that the Riemann Hypothesis could be solved cryptographically: by treating the known zeroes as data points relative to the natural numbers. Beats me if it would work, but it came with some great imagery: the Riemann number line and the natural number line (guess it should be the natural complexes) rolling away as broad undulating ribbons over a nice landscape.
> -----Original Message----- From: 118
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 7:32 PM
> To: moq_discuss at moqtalk.org
> Subject: Re: [MD] Deciphering LILA
> Hi Ant,
> Thank you for your interest.  I have joined company with another better versed than I at this.  There are so many ways to go about this.  I will start to let some stuff dribble out as it takes better form.  I do not want to sound too idiotic (although I may often give the appearance to the contrary).
> Cheers,
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