[MD] Contradiction and incoherence

Andre andrebroersen at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 01:30:29 PDT 2012

Marsha to Andre:

What does 'radical empiricism' mean for you?

Typical of you isn't it? Responding to my (or for that matter anyone's) assertions, especially those that challenge your delusions/misapprehensions, with a question without even addressing the assertions themselves. This is exactly what I mean by 'slithering'.

But I'll bite and put it in a nutshell: "To be radical, an empiricism must neither admit into its constructions any element that is not directly experienced, nor exclude from them any element that is directly experienced". (Anthony's PhD, p 48)

Now, are you going to respond to the assertions or are you going to slither away again? I'll repeat them below for easy reference:

1) You deny the existence of the self/ego.(and please remember Anthony's comment re your DQ/sq)
    (In the MOQ the 'self' is a 'jungle' of static patterns of value capable of apprehending Dynamic
2) There is no "I" in mindfulness. (I claim this to be delusional).

3) Your Buddhism is of the boomeritis variety. "Keep your filthy hands off my desert" and "it's my
    reality so fuck off". (Your behavior on this discuss is a prime example).

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