[MD] Monsanto

Eddo Rats eddo4u at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 02:18:04 PDT 2013


In an obscene development, a Monsanto executive is winning this year’s
'Nobel Prize of agriculture' -- the prestigious World Food Prize -- for
creating GMOs. Receiving it legitimizes the sort of rampant genetic
modification Monsanto pioneered, and helps validate a ruthless business
model that impoverishes farmers and monopolizes our food. If that wasn't
baffling enough, the founder of Syngenta, the same biotech giant joining
Bayer in suing Europe to keep selling bee-killing pesticides, will also win
the prize. The ceremony is in less than two weeks, so we need to act now.

Please join me in tell the World Food Prize Foundation not to reward
Monsanto and bee-killer Syngenta’s outrageous practices.

Thank you.

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