[MD] Static Patterns Rock!

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 12:15:33 PDT 2013

Marsha repeats:
In mindful awareness one drops the narration (language) function for a more perceptual (immediate) experience, but there is still pattern identification in differentiating shapes, smells, sounds, tastes and touch.  The differentiating is there with perceiving too.  Sans language.  Undifferentiated, unpatterned Dynamic Quality in not this.

My experience trumps the explanation.

Boy you are making a mess of things. 'Undifferentiated, unpatterned Dynamic Quality in not this' in your mindfully aware 'pattern identification'? You'll be the first one to drive the nail in the DQ coffin (as you continually try to do in Pirsig's  MoQ) with or without language.
Northrop suggests that DQ is the 'undifferentiated aesthetic continuum'. Pirsig, James and the Buddhists use different terminology but all point to the same which is NOT a state, as you imply, but point to exactly what it is.

All your 'identification' in differentiation is a learned distinction. It is a social pattern of value. Please re-read LILA, especially when Pirsig talks about Descartes. And also when he says again and again, that any abstraction from DQ is sq.

I stick to my guns: it's your interpretation that's faulty.

And one of the dead give aways is your use of the personal possessive pronoun (which is also a learned activity).


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