[MD] Static Patterns Rock!

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Wed Oct 9 16:44:02 PDT 2013

Marsha had written:
In mindful awareness one drops the narration (language) function for a more perceptual (immediate) experience, but there is still pattern identification in differentiating shapes, smells, sounds, tastes and touch.  The differentiating is there with perceiving too.  Sans language.  Undifferentiated, unpatterned Dynamic Quality is not this.  My experience trumps the explanation.

Marsha's self-congratulatory assertions about her private zone-out sessions, which she uses as a trump card over rationality, violate the letter and the spirit of Pirsig's explanations. 

Please remember:

The purpose of mystic meditation is not to remove oneself from experience but to bring one's self closer to it by eliminating stale, confusing, static, intellectual attachments of the past. "
         (LILA, Chapter 9) 

“Introspective observation is what we have to rely on first and foremost and always... I regard the belief [in introspection] as the most fundamental of all the postulates of Psychology” 
   (W. James, 1890)

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes” 
        (C.G. Jung)

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