[MD] Static Patterns Rock!

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 10:32:29 PDT 2013

Andre to Marsha:
That's not the point Marsha and you know it. I am not making the claims you make!
When you are constantly trying to undermine the MoQ by appeals to vipassana experiences, seeing bits and pieces of your self floating by, living in the now and repeating again and again that all is emptiness anyway(so why bother) no wonder I find your hypothetical statement about YOUR experience trumping explanation odd, to say the least.

Your response above is just another cowardly Lucy action.

Marsha responds:
Are you trying to articulate between one interested in self liberation and one on the Bodhisattva path,because I am a mere student, have never claimed otherwise, and have no idea of your high-minded complaints.

A typical Lucy action: denial in innocence. The first bit of the sentence is stupid but the last bit gets tricky because that is a blatant lie. You DO have an idea of my complaints. Of the way your anti-intellectual nihilation of Pirsig's MoQ positions itself every time you write something here.

No wonder I get a quirky/unreal feeling everytime you express 'concern' for someone or some situation: you are fake. There is nothing genuine in your writing at all. Nothing carries meaning, nothing is real. All seems to be a challenge (this is ego stuff). There is no heart and there's no intelligence. There's just a pseudo, new agey 'I'd rather hug-a-tree' type thing when you write something.

It simply says: Fuck off, leave me alone, I'm the best judge of my own experience. I'll even criticise Pirsig for producing a metaphysics that doesn't comply to my experience...and you can say anything you want!!! I will not budge.

This is a shame because this is a site where we are discussing Pirsig's MoQ and not yours.

And before you get personal, all this is hypothetically speaking of course.

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