[MD] Static Patterns Rock!

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Mon Oct 14 12:40:29 PDT 2013


> On Oct 14, 2013, at 3:23 PM, Andre Broersen <andrebroersen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Marsha to Andre:
> Change the term from 'conventional' to the term 'conditional', and see if that helps. Have you read the MoQ Textbook?
> Andre:
> Ah, you're in the Lucy mode again: my question still stands:
> 'Do you believe that the atomic bombs that dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were illusory?'
> Marsha:
> I am unfamiliar with RMP's use of 'Brahman'. Please explain how this relates to anything?
> Andre:
> I was using the terminology because you are using similar expressions. I did this in an effort to understand, with clarity, your position. Now you are using this against my sought after clarification of your position. You refuse to commit yourself yet again. This is yet another Lucy trick.
> Let me put another question to you (but is closely related):'Do you believe that the Nazis killed 6 million human beings in what is conventionally/conditionally referred to as the holocaust?'

I answered your last question:  The atomic bombs that dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki  were/are as conditionally real, as "real as rocks and trees".   That's it.   Bye.



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