[MD] The Death of Values

david buchanan dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 18 11:11:39 PDT 2013

>From "God Is Dead: What Next? A Buddhist Response to Nietzsche" by Robert Morrison
"Nietzsche's assertion that 'God is Dead' is not simply a theological statement. Nietzsche hasn't come up with the definitive argument to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that God could not possibly exist-except in the minds of men. This statement, although it certainly does have its theological aspect, is essentially a statement proclaiming the plight of modern Western culture. Succinctly stated, the 'Death of God' refers to the complete loss of belief in the accepted religious and metaphysical world-view along with the system of values it upholds, in particular its moral values. The 'Death of God' announces the advent of the age of nihilism, an age of cultural barrenness arising from this loss of belief, and which may well end in catastrophe as far as any truly human existence is concerned."

"Science supercedes old religious forms, not because what it says is more true in any absolute sense (whatever that is), but because what it says is more Dynamic." (LILA Chapter 17)

"From the perspective of a subject-object science, the world is a completely purposeless, valueless place. There no point in anything. Nothing is right and nothing is wrong. Everything just functions, like machinery. There is nothing morally wrong with being lazy, nothing morally wrong with lying, with theft, with suicide, with murder, with genocide. There is nothing morally wrong because there are no morals, just functions. Now that intellect was in command of society for the first time in history, was this the intellectual pattern it was going to run society with?"


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