[MD] The Island: An Anthology of the Buddha’s Teachings on Nibbana

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Sun Oct 20 01:38:17 PDT 2013

"NIBBANA (NIRVANA IN SANSKRIT) IS A WORD THAT IS USED to describe an experience. When the heart is free of all obscurations, and is utterly in accord with nature, Ultimate Reality (Dhamma), it experiences perfect peace, joy and contentment. This set of qualities is what Nibbana describes. The purpose of this book is to outline the particular teachings of the Buddha that point to and illuminate ways that these qualities can be realized. From the Buddhist viewpoint, the realization of Nibbana is the fulfillment of the highest human potential – a potential that exists in all of us, regardless of nationality or creed. 

"In contemplating Buddhist terms, and many of the ways of speech employed in this anthology, it is important to bear a couple of things in mind. Firstly, it is a feature of the Buddha’s teaching, particularly in the Theravada scriptures, that the Truth and the way leading to it are often indicated by talking about what they are not rather than what they are."


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