[MD] Zen at War

Andre andrebroersen at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 09:58:22 PDT 2013

Andre to Marsha:
I have no problems with this except for your use of the word 
'projections'. I prefer to call them 'manifestations'. I see sq as a 
'manifestation' of DQ. Form as a 'manifestation' of the formless. That 
is why sq is grounded in DQ. For metaphysical reasons there must be a 
discrepancy between static concepts and reality (DQ). This is not the 
Heart Sutra we are discussing. We are here discussing a metaphysics.

What are you doing here?

Not baffled by the ditty, baffled by Andre's clueless questions. Poor 
Andre, like you, he seems unable to carry on an amiable intellectual 
discussion, and, like you, he seems to need to event a fierce rival to 
use as a foil.

Still waiting for an answer Marsha.

Marsha to dmb:
You want to criticize my understanding of Buddhism. Hahahaha.

Projection Marsha, all the way down. And you suggest there is no self? 
Now that is a laugh and a half coming from you.

And you also suggest dmb and I are 'unable to carry on an amiable 
intellectual discussion'. I get the sense that you'll do any slipping 
and sliding (i.e. slithering) with a presentation of quotations and 
personal insults to indeed create a hostile discussion which, as you 
seem to think from your efforts is 'intellectual'. Oh boy, Lila will 
cringe at the thought.

It seems the joke is on you as far as 'intellectual' is concerned and as 
far as your understanding of Buddhism is concerned IN RELATION TO 
Pirsig's MoQ...and of course on its own.
Talking about 'clueless'.

But let me help you...I'll say it again: the MoQ is a static 
intellectual pattern of value. It is different from the world it 
describes...which is ever changing....ever moving. The MoQ isn't. It is 
quite static. Your clueless new age-Buddhist ideas do nothing to further 
the MoQ that we are discussing here.
In fact, they can be described as stale, useless and outmoded.
Come on Marsha. Practice what you preach. BE the clueless, senseless 
non-apparition that you proclaim yourself to be. You don't know anything 
anyway eh? (you mentioned this a while back as 'defense').
Empty your cup and...for once...own up.

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