[MD] [LS:9743] The social level.

John Carl ridgecoyote at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 16:05:13 PDT 2014


It's pretty quiet on L.S.  I agree.  Quiet except for the ravings of Tim
and Bo, and they are loony.

Maybe I'm loony too.  Pirsig certainly went all loony, and I don't know how
any person living in this loony world can help it but go
loony on occasion.

So I've got a lot of patience for loonies.

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 12:03 PM, ARLO JAMES BENSINGER JR <ajb102 at psu.edu>

> [As Bo has refused to stop hounding my personal email, I thought I'd make
> this response public.]
> I have to admit, Bo. Even I was surprised by your tenacious need for
> recognition and ego-stroking. How else, I thought, could one explain that
> this person keeps emailing me repeatedly after I've asked him many, many
> times (and very politely as well) to refrain. Certainly, I thought, he gets
> off on wanting to imagine himself "one-upping" others, maybe I should be
> flattered that he so obviously needs my attention.
> And then I went to Google groups and read the the posts to LilaSquad.
> Good... fucking... god.
> No wonder you want so badly to interact with us. What a bunch of
> incoherent, unintelligible, and outright moronic nonsense. The majority of
> contributors appear to be schizophrenics who've gone off their lithium. I
> am not exaggerating here... Horse and DMB (anyone else with a functioning
> frontal lobe), if you haven't you simply must check this out:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lilasquad
> I feel bad for you, Bo. As unsophisticated as your understanding of the
> MOQ always has been, at least you are mostly semi-intelligible to read. As
> for the "true MOQers" who are following you, well, I think this "caliber"
> of acolyte should alert you to the "quality" of your ideas. Sad. Really,
> just sad.
> I'm not going to humor you by trying to address all your mistakes in your
> post. You would not genuinely read that anyway. You would do what you've
> always done, read only so that you prop yourself up as a messiah of sorts.
> What you want is a soapbox. What you have is a court of fools.
> Congratulations.
> I'll end this simply with another beg to stop being contacted. If you
> really need attention this badly, consider hiring a prostitute.
oh,,,, kay.  I guess I won't sully this list with vulgar comments about
"projection", but in defense of my fellow loonies - Tim and Bo both,, are as
enamored of ideas and philosophy as anybody on this list..maybe more.
Genius and insanity can run in the same pack.  And Tim's desperate plea to
look at Howison
is completely valid and Bo's problems with logical problems in the MOQ
structure illustrate a general problem with the common interpretations of
SOM and intellect.

And now, on to you and your ideas...

Tell your stories, Children

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