[MD] Arlo

Ian Glendinning ian.glendinning at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 14:24:54 PDT 2014

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 6:10 PM, ARLO JAMES BENSINGER JR <ajb102 at psu.edu> wrote:
> [Ian]
> Clearly short-hand naming of groups can be misused...
> [Arlo]
> Clearly.

[IG] Ha - irony bypass there.

> [Ian]
> ... different people have different propensities to mental styles that use the different halves.
> [Arlo]
> No. The research says exactly otherwise.

[IG] Evidence - ready when you are.

[Arlo] The research says specifically that 'mental styles' ARE NOT
lateralized. I understand this will take some time before
pop-psychologists and self-help gurus are able to accept the research,
but its embarrassing to see this repeated here over and over.

[IG] As you say - it's embarassing to to see this out-of- fashionable
crap repeated. Just gain-saying is not evidence or argument Arlo, and
you know it.
You seem to have missed a whole cycle of evidence and thought Arlo. As
several of the references have said it became poisonous for sometime
to talk in left/right terms because so much pop-crap was indeed based
on it.

But knowledge moves on.

The neuro-physiological mechanisms - that enable (and more accurately
inhibit in a controlled way) - the "talk" between the two halves are
increasingly understood. Neither side has a monopoly on what's
modelled. but the processed that depend on both halves are affected by
how the two halves interact.

Please address some of the sources provided.
Haidt, McGilchrist, Kahneman, etc ...
... rather than branding them with ad-hominem attacks based on straw-men.


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