[MD] Art & fine art

Ant McWatt antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Jun 6 16:15:04 PDT 2014

[John Carl had said earlier in June]

> You really think it would help us if we just eliminated all art classed,
> and then remove the name so we won't miss it?

[Arlo Bensinger then responded June 5th 2014]

Again, this is absurd. But, on the level of terminology, why not rename
'art classes' to just say the activity? "Painting 101", "An Introduction to
Sculpture", "Music in the Middle Ages". Then we could have classes like
"The Art of Painting", "The Art of Rhetoric", "The Art of Rationality",
"The Art of Motorcycle Repair".

But, here, I suggest you read Doorly. And Ant has already given you
Doorly's way of approaching the terminology.

[Ant McWatt comments]

I think Doorly's "The Truth About Art" book is not only one of the best expostions in uncovering the numerous modern myths about Art and fine art in the Western world, it also one of the best, if not the best, academic explanations of the MOQ.  So many thanks indeed Arlo for recommending it!  

[John Carl then said to Arlo, June 5th 2014]

Jc:  Probably good advice, but my reading stack is already high...  

Ant McWatt comments:

Yes John I've already noticed your half baked grasp of LILA and there's little evidence that you have read any other supporting literature surrounding the MOQ either.  Until you do make a genuine effort with the latter, you're really wasting your time on this discussion group.  Though I think you are largely sincerely in your contributions here, if you don't do your "MOQ homework", your posts will have little relevance to the various discussions that occur here and, in addition, you won't be able to make the most of the contributors here (certainly Arlo and DMB who really do have a good grasp of the MOQ - as defined by Robert Pirsig)!

As you say that you already have a "high stack" of reading to get through, I'd suggest that you start with SODV ("Subjects, Objects, Data & Values") a short summary of the MOQ (only a few pages in length - with diagrams) which Robert Pirsig originally presented at the 1995 "Einstein Meets Magritte" Conference.  I know it has helped various people get their head around the MOQ over the years.

It can be found at Horse's moq.org website.

Best wishes,





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