[MD] Anti-intellectualism revisited

John Carl ridgecoyote at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 12:02:55 PDT 2014


> dmb says:
> While it's true that the USA suffers much more religious fundamentalism
> than the other Western nations, Europe's social-intellectual conflicts have
> actually been far worse. We never had to deal with full blown fascism or
> communism. We had a lesser storm, a milder hurricane, as Pirsig puts it. On
> both sides of the pond, I think, the main problem pivots around money. The
> problem with fundamentalism isn't just a matter of having a very bad
> metaphysics or otherworldly values, although that's true too. The problem
> is that fundamentalism is used by the monied interests to convince voters
> to vote against democratic principles and against their own financial
> interests. Religion is a tool of the manipulators, one that has almost
> nothing to do with spiritual growth or development and everything to do
> with obedience and control.
I completely agree.

See? I can admit when you're right.


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