[MD] Review of 'The Truth About Art'.

Dan Glover daneglover at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 18:44:26 PDT 2014


On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 6:36 AM, Jan-Anders Andersson
<jananderses at telia.com> wrote:
> Dan, Ant and whoever
> Im using createspace as a lowbudget printer. The paper, print and binding quality is high. The main advantage for me is that I can order for just a dozen a time. That means that I dont have to pay out big for a ten-years stock piling up everywhere at home.

I switched Lila's Child to CreateSpace a couple years ago after my
contract was up with another publisher. You are right. I can order 1
copy or 100 and have it in a matter of days. I like that I have
complete control over all aspects of publishing from cover art to
formatting to font size and choice. The cover looks good, the binding
is great, and the paper is of high quality. The only thing I would
like to see is for CreateSpace to add an option for hard cover books.

As a side note... one author I know used a vanity publisher to print a
few thousand copies of his new book. This was years ago before the
advent of print on demand. Filled up an entire corner of his garage.
He was able to sell maybe two dozen copies at book signings and give
away a few more to family and what not. Then he was transferred across
the country, didn't have room to bring all those books along, and
ended up paying a scrapper to haul them away. A couples years go by.
One of his friends calls to congratulate the guy after seeing his
books for sale online. Turns out the scrapper made more money selling
the books on eBay and Amazon than he would have for pulp. Now they
tell me the original printings are collector items.

> btw Anyone familiar with Elie Faure, author of "History of Art" and "Spirit of Forms"? I am not, yet, but Henry Miller mentions his name now and then.

Other than the Miller mentions, no, I am not familiar with him.

Thank you,



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