[MD] MOQ is good. What is it good for?

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Thu Sep 25 13:43:38 PDT 2014

JC to Andre:

I think John McC might have had a different point in mind than the one
picked out here.

On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Andre Broersen <andrebroersen at gmail.com>

> It is sad really but, since the above mentioned pattens?  gripe seems to
> be that the MOQ does not fulfill their innermost longing

I responded specifically to what John M said in his post on Sept 10:

¨The MOQ isn't a living, dynamic entity.  It is a static intellectual pattern.  It was made at a point in time by one person, in the midst of his own unique circumstances.  But it doesn't fit mine, so I try to bend it into something I can use, and I get chastised by some in this forum for doing that.” 

My response JC simply came down to saying: If the MoQ, with its referral term DQ doesn’t fit what you are looking for you either misunderstand the MoQ or you want to get somewhere the moon ain’t at. Quite simple. The MoQ can be seen as a finger pointing to the moon…there are many fingers pointing to the moon. If the MoQ ain’t a static high quality intellectual pattern that works for you then don’t use it…go somewhere else. But stop abusing Pirsig by suggesting he is wrong about certain things or doesn’t understand certain things or is being vague or simply mistaken. Stop mistaking the finger for the moon and vice versa. All static intellectual patterns are provisional…Pirsig is aware of the MoQ as having the (provisional) same status. 

The MoQ will work beautifully until something better comes along. Just read Pirsig’s  response to Final Comments in ¨The Role of Evolution, Time and Order in Pirsig’s Metaphysics of Quality”  paper by McWatt and Priezkalns.

And if one resorts to worship, faith and the liturgy as John M does, to attain the moon I’m afraid you are fiddling with social patterns of value alone. And that will probably not reveal the moon… . 

And I will repeat the challenge to anyone not agreeing with Pirsig’s MoQ:

¨What is there ¨outside”  of the MOQ other than that for which DQ is a referring term?”

In other words…to the MoQ critics: what is it about the MoQ that stops the moon from being revealed?

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