[MD] Julian Baggini: This is what the clash of civilisations is really about

John Carl ridgecoyote at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 11:15:28 PDT 2015


> Social conflict can emerge outside of intellectual resistance, social
> value is not simply 'thoughtless conformity'. And, rather than 'thinking
> for yourself' (which is cliche but philosophically misleading) I'd say
> 'participating in intellectual discourses'. Intellectuality, and sociality
> (and physiocality, and physicality) are active processes that occur within
> an 'individual/collective' milieu. Intellectuality, specifically, as
> Bakhtin argued, is a 'ventriologuated' activity; done though the
> appropriation of the voices of others, projecting towards an anticipated
> audience of future voices, and delivered within a culturally-salient
> semiotic-social media.
Jc:  I agree, of course - "ventrioloquated activity" or "interpretation".
I've been over this before and what is anticipation but an interpretation
of possible future?  Big words for the simple fact of the way we live our

> As Siouxsie Sioux sang, "even when we're on our own, we are never all
> alone, when we're singing."


Along those lines, I came across this:

"As an atheist-ish Westerner, I have been vocal about the idea that
is not a religion
But it undeniably has an important moral and ethical dimension. And that's
why, as the crises we face on this planet continue, it's important to find
the points where these intersect with the existing moral frameworks that
shape how a majority of the world thinks. You have to make messages
culturally relevant (and resonant) to the audiences you want to reach. "

from here

And I felt it touched upon an explanation of myself, a bit.  For people who
wonder how an intellectually-oriented person can dabble in religion.


PS:  I've mentioned my roots in Deep Ecology, before?  Well according to
Deep Ecology, you must find a way to make nature your religion. practical
scientific mind is not the way, it has no provision for Value.

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