[MD] What the MOQ community can learn from the rise of the neoliberals

David Harding david at goodmetaphysics.com
Fri Dec 2 21:47:40 PST 2016

Hi All,

To speak in dramatic tones - I do not want the MOQ to die and be written off to the history books as a nice idea never seriously considered. That said, it’s clear to me that a successful world is one which takes advantage of the ideas and language of the MOQ.

The Effective Altruism community (amongst others) is in a similar conundrum about how to become the common theory amongst intellectuals.

Here’s a nicely put together article on how the Neoliberals managed to go from fringe idea to being very powerful within 40 years.  The biggest advantage they had however, were that they had the ideas whose side money was on, whereas the MOQ has little to say directly about the allocation of capital.

Regardless, there’s a few ideas in there worth repeating.




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