[MF] MOQ: valuable or not?
david buchanan
dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 25 18:43:21 PST 2006
Kevin and y'all:
dmb said:
I have a rather simple concern here, Kevin. Honesty. Intellectual honesty
and the courage that it demands. I'm saying that nobody should be let off
the hook in a place like this. Are we not philosophers? Are we supposed to
allow religious statements to go unexamined and unchallenged simply because
they are religious? No, of course not...
Kevin asked:
I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. Did I say something
intellectually dishonet? Did I get upset when asked to explain something I
wrote? Did I get upset when someone scrutinized a statement I made? Please
dmb answers:
OK. As I explained, you're catching some of Sam's heat because I see you
making similar moves. And as I tried to explain, I think these moves are
related to a larger problem, which is where the comments about the Harris
book come in. So where do I get the idea that you're using some of these
evasive moves? Beyond an apparent reluctance to provide answers to my
questions, (I still don't know what you or Sam mean by "faith", for example)
there are comments like this...
Kevin said:
The caveat is that, as a man who maintains a love relationship with Jesus, I
may use language that would tend to inflame other people's sensibilities. If
this becomes a problem then I'll have to bow out of the conversation.
dmb says:
I suppose this caveat can be read to mean that you're genuinely concerned
that your Christian mode of expression will upset people too much and that
you'd be bowing out for the sake of kindness. But that's kinda hard to
believe. I mean, I've never noticed any kind of problem along those lines
around here. If you recall the two examples of Sam heading for the exit soon
after being challenged, you'll see why your caveat about loving Jesus and
bowing out might bother me. One could read your comments to mean, "I'm a
christian so I'm gonna talk like a Christian and if anybody makes a fuss
about that, I'm leaving." It could be seen as an announcement that you're
simply not going to respond to those who might have a problem with what
you're saying or how you're saying it. It says, "Don't you dare." And that's
the kind of emotional blackmail Harris was talking about, the kind that is
used to protect beliefs from scrutiny. It puts conditions on the way the
conversation is going to be conducted and then backs it up with a small
threat. It says, "Don't challenge me on this or I'm leaving". Its
emotionally manipulative to suggest in advance that certain kinds of
responses will cause you to leave. It mutes the conversation to the extent
that people feel obliged to comply. To the extent that this fixes the game
in your favor and sets certain self-serviing parameters, I think its
intellectually dishonest.
And of course I'm not resting my whole case on that one example. There is a
more generalized complaint that bothers me just as much. Your questions
about theism in the MOQ were answered some time ago with a bunch of quotes
from Pirsig and some explanations and yet you persist with the assertion
that the MOQ is silent or inadequate on the matter. That's just not true
Kevin. There are answers, its just that you find them unacceptable. And
that's fine. Nobody's asking you to adopt an anti-theistic stance. But the
Pirsig quotes were petty unequivocal and LILA has lots and lots to say about
religion and God too, so please don't pretend the MOQ is silent on these
And then there is the name of the thread. MOQ: valuable or not? It seems to
me that rather than engage with the MOQ's stance on this particular matters,
you've decided to take an indirect approach and just call the whole thing
into question. That strikes me as a bit dishonest too, but maybe its merely
disengenuous. Anyway, I'd much, much rather see a theist take it on
directly. Challenge the anti-theistic stance. Make a case for faith and
love. I've never seen anything like that around here, despite many, many
questions over the years. 'Twould be marvelous. Please, surprize me.
Don't get wrong. I'm not saying you're a monster. I'm not saying you're a
big fat liar. I'm not saying your pants are on fire or that you're making
stuff up or that trying to fool any one with sinister deceptions.
Intellectual dishonesty isn't pretty, but its not that ugly. Its more like
cheating at a game. It usually more like a form of unfairness rather than
one of those more severe types of dishonesty like theft or an outright lie.
Its safe to say there is a moral dimension to my argument, but its not a
crime. The central concern for me is that this is a forum for discussion, I
think this topic is way at the top of the list in terms of both interest and
importance, and the dishonesty I'm complaining here is a real show-stopper.
I'm saying this sort of dishonesty gets in the way of having a good
conversation about fascinating things.
I'm not looking for MOQish answers, for the "right-thinking" answers, for
answers I personally find attractive. I'm just asking for answers I can
comprehend. What do you mean by "faith"? What does it mean to say, "God is
Love"? What do you mean when you say you "maintain a love relationship with
Jesus"? And, assuming I've misread your intentions, how does that
relationship lead to the use of certain kinds of language and why do you
think that language would "inflame" anyone? Naturally, you don't OWE me any
explanations, but you have been posting and making these comments. I think
its reasonable and fair for me to ask questions. Providing something like a
clear and direct answer is the decent thing to do in that situation, don't
you think?
Apologies for the over-explaining and long-windedness here, but you were
certain that you didn't know what I was talking about last time and wanted
to make sure you had at least SOME idea this time.
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