[MF] Quotes from the Cosmic Egg

Muzikhed at aol.com Muzikhed at aol.com
Mon Feb 13 14:41:48 PST 2006

Here's an interesting find, for me.  I've been browsing through my  
basement's garage-sale book library, and found these opening paragraphs of  Chapter 1 
of the book "The Crack In the Cosmic Egg", by Joseph Chilton Pearce,  first 
printed in 1971.    I put this in the category of  "Interesting how others were 
feeling for the same thing in the  70's."   Pirsig did a better job then, & 
eventually  cleared up all this business with Lila and the MoQ."   But I may  have
 to give this book another look - I never really read it.  Anybody got  a 
quick take on it?  
Cracks In the Cosmic Egg
Chapter 1
Circles and Lines
   There is a relationship between what we think is out  there in the world 
and what we experience as being out there.  There is a  way in which the energy 
of thought and the energy of matter modify each other  and interrelate.  A 
kind of rough mirroring takes place between our mind  and our reality.
    We cannot stand outside this mirroring process and  examine it, though, 
for we are the process, to an unknowable extent.  Any  technique we might use 
to 'look objectively' at our reality becomes a part of  the event in question.  
We are an indeterminately large part of the  function that shapes the reality 
from which we do our looking.  Our  looking enters as one of the determinants 
on the reality event that we  see.
    This mirroring between mind and reality can be  analyzed and more 
actively directed, if we can suspend some of our ordinary  assumptions.  For 
instance, the procedure of mirroring must be  considered the only fixed element, while 
the products of the procedure remain  relative.  William Blake claimed that 
perception was the  universal, the perceived object the particular.  What is 
discovered by  man is never the "universal" of cosmic "truth."  Rather, the 
process by  which the mind brings about a "discovery" is itself the "universal."

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