[MF] Where is metaphysics in the MOQ?

Kevin Perez juan825diego at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 4 18:13:56 PST 2006

  I take the following to mean that, for Pirsig, the Metaphysics of Quality is
THE metaphysics.
       [...] the issue before him was not whether there should be a
     metaphysics of Quality or not. There already is a metaphysics of
     Quality.  A subject-object metaphysics is in fact a metaphysics in
     which the first division of Quality-the first slice of undivided
     experience is into subjects and objects. (Lila, p. 107)
  I believe he says this because he has to say it, for two reasons.  He says
Quality is the source of all things.  And he can't afford not to be logically
  But then he clearly distinguishes the Metaphysics of Quality from
Subject-Object Metaphysics.  So it would appear, for Pirsig, there are at
least two contexts for metaphysics.  There is metaphysics that points to
ultimate reality.  And there is metaphysics that proceeds in the other
direction, either slicing reality into subjects and objects or staic quality
and dynamic quality.
  Within the context of a metaphysics that points to ultimate reality it would 
  seem to me that if it were valid at all it would have to be valid yesterday, 
  today and tomorrow.
  But I guess I'm missing something.  How can something that is
represented by static patterns have anything to say about ultimate reality?

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