[MF] Where is metaphysics in the MOQ?

Kevin Perez juan825diego at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 7 03:32:31 PST 2006

Thanks for asking.
I'm using "ultimate reality" to describe Quality.  It seems reasonable
given that Dynamic Quality and Static Quality have their source in Quality
and that "Dynamic Quality is the pre-intellectual cutting edge of reality,
the source of all things [...]" (Lila, p. 114).
After re-reading Baggini's interview of Pirsig
<http://www.philosophersnet.com/magazine/pirsig_transcript.htm> it's
clear that Pirsig is interested in the question, "what is quality?"  But in
response to Baggini's suggestion that "there are many other alternatives
to the traditional subject-object metaphysics" Pirsig says, "Ultimate
questions and ultimate alternatives are never found. Questions and
alternatives go on and on, and one can wander endlessly among them."
So I think you're correct Ted.  Pirsig isn't interested in ultimate reality.
He's ONLY interested in the question, "what is quality?" or more
precisely, what is Dynamic Quality and what is Static Quality?
So it would appear that, for Pirsig, there is only one Metaphysics of
Quality, a metaphysics that describes what eminates from Quality not 
  what Quality is.
The following is from ZMM Part III.
     "I don't know how much thought passed before he arrived at this, but
     eventually he saw that Quality couldn't be independently related with
     either the subject or the object but could be found only in the
     relationship of the two with each other. It is the point at which subject
     and object meet."
I wished he'd elaborated more.  But then maybe he couldn't.  What does
this say about the Metaphysics of Quality?  Is there something missing?

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