[MD] Faith

Stephen Hannon stevehannon at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 17:11:04 PDT 2006

[dmb says]
I don't see how its possible to "explain the things we don't know". If we
don't know, then we are not really explaining at all. We're just making
stuff up. If we don't know, I "believe" I shall call it a mystery and simply
admit that I don't know.

[Steve H]
I said "attempt to explain the things we don't know."  Of course we
can't know, we can only speculate!  But the things man doesn't know
have always fascinated humankind, and have taken the form of myths.
Myths have been present in almost every society in history, and in
ZAMM Pirsig shows that mythos influences logos.  These have relevance
in society.  DMB, do you just not feel it necessary to take part in
society, therefore not being influenced by the mythos?  Or do you
profess to know everything?

Have a nice day,
Steve H

On 8/1/06, Case <Case at ispots.com> wrote:
> dmb,
> Faith
> What a wonderfully dynamic term. The more I read the more I like it. The
> dictionary provides meanings that point to something, but lead away in
> unpredictable directions. There is a similar sense of tension between
> release and bondage among its synonyms which include:
> certainty, confidence, acceptance, dependence
> hope, reliance, sureness, allegiance
> belief
> These seem broad enough to cover beliefs of many flavors.
> But you insist, not yours.
> The repetition and tone of your argument make plain what I said a few posts
> ago:
> "Harping on this is not an effective way to attack the religious right,"
> Look how easy it has been arguing your position to a bunch of materialists,
> agnostics and mystics. How convincing is your line of thought going to be to
> the folks at the Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, TN?
> If you are actually interested in defending reason against dogma and truth
> against charlatans this is not fruitful line to pursue.
> Case
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