[MD] hallelujah brothers and sisters

gav gav_gc at yahoo.com.au
Tue Aug 1 17:09:00 PDT 2006

hey all,

> Stephen Hannon said:
> Is there any evidence that there is an afterlife
> once we die? no

i beg to differ. there is plenty of evidence of this
from NDEs, to channelers and mediums etc. apart from 
empirical evidence, there is unanimous agreement
amongst all indigenous cultures that death is not the
end. but maybe they are all just primitive morons
(like most americans, english and aussies). 

joseph  campbell's work shows this universality very
clearly. david lynch's twin peaks tv series is one of
the best modern creations that trys to get a handle on
heaven and earth (and places in between) and how they
might interact. best TV drama series ever!!

if you really don't understand that there has to be
something after death then you ain't feelin the vibe
man. and you ain't using much of your own mind either.

i sense this nietzchean 'oh my god, life is
meaningless, there is no god, let me hug that horse
over there' thread runs deap in many affected
intellectuals. it is simply a ruse to attract chicks
(hey that morose looking guy over by the bar is so
deep and dark, and i love his black skivvy). this
being so it must to some extent be tolerated. but on
the moq fora it has no place because 1. there ain't
many chicks. 2. sexual intercourse is difficult
through a modem.

what do you think bob was on about in ZAMM when he
lost it totally and was acquainted 'face to face' with
that quality that he had never betrayed? chocolate?

why are uni people the dumbest of all.....now there's
an interesting thesis topic.....anyway i slightly
digress. my spidey senses are tingling....i sense that
many are unconvinced so.......
more of my blathering (you asked for it):

if god is infinite and includes everything, and you
are god (see oneness thread) how can the universe, or
you end? the infinite has no beginning nor end, by
definition. (see 'the animate and inaminate' by
william sidis for a better model of the universe than
the big bang.)

your physical body is more accurately seen as a
dynamic homeostasis twixt the organising element of
consciousness and the world around you. when the
physical body has had too much supermarket food it
decides to die and this dynamic homeostasis ends.
consciousness being formless and eternal buggers off
somehere else where it is needed: the great mystery

what are dreams? you need senses for them?....no. you
are disembodied: your astral or immaterial self is off
doing its own thang.....see we are dying in a way
every night (especially if we watch 'everybody loves
raymond'). we are dream. this is what the aboriginal
aussies understand. the dreamtime was a time and it is
all time. it both refers to the creation of the world
and universe in a historical sense and its ongoing
creation every moment. 

you find the 'trinity' everywhere. from catholicism
(trinity) to paganism (axis mundus or world tree) to
taoism (1 became 2 and the 2 and the 1 gave rise to
the ten thousand things). tripartite reality was
something even plato dug. what is it: heaven, earth
and the holy spirit; matter, energy, meaning (bohm);
spirit/intelligence, matter/life, astral in between
(esoterica). in short a manifest reality; an
unmanifest reality and a connection between the
two...i think i am still missing lots here but we are
going into non-linear land....the only land left worth

if you really can't feel the eternity/unity and the
comic beauty of it all........please have some
shrooms, peyote, something. we all live life (me
included here folks) in such a headspace that we
forget our place in the world; we become blind and
deaf to the subtle messages and guidance offered by
the world around us. your life is a living cryptic
crossword puzzle only you can solve; and you never
know which way it will turn. in retrospect it all
becomes clearer and clearer: the pieces fit together
and you get a sense of a narrative thread....a logic
behind all the ups and downs. trying to extrapolate
forward is very tricky though and hubris nearly always
gets the reward it deserves.

woooah there gav....disappearing up your own cosmic
arse mate.

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