[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

Stephen Hannon stevehannon at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 20:56:48 PDT 2006

DMB, Arlo, etc...

Excuse me, do you really think I support holy war and subjugation of
women and think it's a sin to be alive?  Wow, this is pretty rough.
Consider this:

America used to have slaves, but then issued the Emancipation Proclamation
Germany used to have the Holocaust, but now is a democracy.
The Catholic Church used to have the Inquisition, but when they stop
it's just called "changing the tune when the fashion demands."

But you wouldn't call the first two "changing the tune."  Germany
doesn't get blamed, it was Hitler's fault!  But the Inquisition?  It's
a problem inherent within the Church!!!!!  So we must destroy,
destroy, destroy the Church!!!!!  Let's kill all the theists!!!!!!
Get rid of every remnant!!!!  Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa, Amazing
Grace, Handel (Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah), Bach (Jesu, Joy of
Man's Desiring), Pete Seeger (Turn Turn Turn), none of it means
anything anymore!!!!!!!!  Don't ask questions about things you don't
know, don't even wonder about things you don't know!!!!  It's all
POINTLESS!!!!!  Is there a God?  Is there an afterlife?  There is no
EVIDENCE for these things, what a FOOL you are for asking!!!!!!!  The
Church is incapable of change and is devoid of value!!!!!  Only
SCIENCE can lead us amywhere!!!!  The Church is meaningless!!!!!!!
But aren't we being intolerant by killing all the religious people?
Of course not, this is PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!

[Steve H takes a five minute break...]

[Steve H is back]
Wow, I really went crazy there for a second!  Anyway, if you don't
believe in God, that's fine.  Just don't accuse us of all being like
Pat Robertson and the religious right.  Not all Germans are like
Hitler.  Not all Italians are like Mussolini.  Not all Christians are
like Pat Robertson.  Not all Muslims are like bin Laden.

[Steve H quotes Einstein]
Found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein:

I do not think that it is necessarily the case that science and
religion are natural opposites. In fact, I think that there is a very
close connection between the two. Further, I think that science
without religion is lame and, conversely, that religion without
science is blind. Both are important and should work hand-in-hand.

See even the greatest scientist of the 20th century was religious.

That's all for now,
Steve H

On 8/1/06, Arlo J. Bensinger <ajb102 at psu.edu> wrote:
> Recently, while listening to my back catalog of New Model Army songs, I noticed
> some strong parallel between the lyrics of "Ten Commandments" and the
> "statification" (nice word, eh) of Dynamic Quality experience. Lyrics  as
> follows. (I'm thinking of getting the chorus tattooed on my arm)
> Down comes Moses with the Ten Commandments
> Hewn on a tablet, just the bitterest pill
> Breaks up the party in the valley below
> Says obey my orders and you're doing God's will
> And disciples of Jesus, lost and forgotten
> When the brand new faith isn't doing so well
> Write the Book of Revelation to terrify the people
> Join our religion or you're heading for hell
> Ch: I will bow to the earth, bow to the sea,
> Bow to the love between you and me,
> Bow to the sun, bow to the land
> But never to a god made in the image of man
> Here comes Mohammed, back from the desert
> Another male prophet with the word of the Lord
> Shut off the women, lock them in darkness
> Kill all opponents in a holy war
> Here is murder, here is oppression
> Here is the order that the Church demands
> Burn three million women, call them witches and heretics
> Then change the tune when the fashion demands
> Ch: I will bow to the earth, bow to the sea,
> Bow to the love between you and me,
> Bow to the sun, bow to the land
> But never to a god made in the image of man
> How they run to you now,
> how they grovel to you now
> I think they're mad
> How they subjugate their pride as if it's a sin to be alive
> I think that's sad
> Down with Moses and his Ten Commandments
> Deader than deadest of the Dead Sea Scrolls
> Back to the desert with Jesus and Mohammed
> Kick out the prophets and save our souls
> Ch: I will bow to the earth, bow to the sea,
> Bow to the love between you and me,
> Bow to the sun, bow to the land
> But never to a god made in the image of man
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