[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

Case Case at iSpots.com
Thu Aug 3 17:01:43 PDT 2006

Well now, what do you mean? In what sense is the MOQ atheistic or an
anti-theist system? What the difference between theism and the mysticism of
the MOQ? Case started to head in this direction, but apparently did not
really want to discuss it and quickly reverted to name-calling and such.

As I recall this started when I said I accepted materialism on faith. You
said I could not do that. I said yes I could... 

I said that science, theism and mysticism are in many ways functionally
equivalent. They shield us from the terror of an uncertain future. I leap
toward science because it places the fewest demands on my credulity. But I
understand that at its root, it is an emotional leap not a logical one. 

Having made that leap of faith I am not eager to look back. Theism seems to
me like anthropomorphic mysticism and mysticism just narcissistic theism. 

The Buddha says that to end suffering we must sacrifice passion. Ok, fine!
But you know what? It doesn't hurt that bad. I have a medical plan and a
cable modem. 

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