[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power
david buchanan
dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 7 06:16:30 PDT 2006
gav said:
the MOQ is an explicit metaphysics with a mystical (implicit)
summit/centre/source. the MOQ has a spiritual dimension: 'spirit' implying a
higher order or intelligence at work. **does anyone disagree with this?
dmb says:
I use words like "spiritual" when talking about the MOQ, but feel like I
gotta be very careful with it. In the Copleston annotations, Pirsig objects
to the notion of theistic god, to the human soul (except as a literary
expression) and he objects to the idea of a "spirit" insofar as it is
concieved as something supernatural. And I think its not very hard to see
why he might object to these theological concepts.
But I think we do need a word that refers to forms of consciousness that go
beyond conventional thinking. Following Ken Wilber, I see spirituality as
the higher end of cognitive development, something that is supposed to take
us beyond logic and rationality. So, yea, I'd say it implies a higher order
of intelligence, but its a natural, human intelligence and not a seperate or
supernatural being.
How's that?
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