[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 06:28:27 PDT 2006

DMB, Gav,

Higher order intelligence (beyond logic and GOF-rationality) is for me
the upper reaches of the MoQ "intellectual" level, the "natural"
culmiation of evolution of anything anywhere ...

So agreed, not supernatural, in relation to existing human intellect,
and not (necessarily) limited to individual human brains. (Remember
separate "beings" don't exist anyway ... no independent reality ...
See Dan's thread .... only emergence / dependent arising.)

Spiritual evolution of intelligence has happened in parallel with the
GOF-rational intelligence, it's just tended to be disconnected,
relegated by recent tradition to being a separate thread - whereas we
know they are part of an integrated whole.


On 8/7/06, david buchanan <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> gav said:
> the MOQ is an explicit metaphysics with a mystical (implicit)
> summit/centre/source. the MOQ has a spiritual dimension: 'spirit' implying a
> higher order or intelligence at work. **does anyone disagree with this?
> dmb says:
> I use words like "spiritual" when talking about the MOQ, but feel like I
> gotta be very careful with it. In the Copleston annotations, Pirsig objects
> to the notion of theistic god, to the human soul (except as a literary
> expression) and he objects to the idea of a "spirit" insofar as it is
> concieved as something supernatural. And I think its not very hard to see
> why he might object to these theological concepts.
> But I think we do need a word that refers to forms of consciousness that go
> beyond conventional thinking. Following Ken Wilber, I see spirituality as
> the higher end of cognitive development, something that is supposed to take
> us beyond logic and rationality. So, yea, I'd say it implies a higher order
> of intelligence, but its a natural, human intelligence and not a seperate or
> supernatural being.
> How's that?
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