[MD] Some Abiding Beliefs-Part 2

Platt Holden pholden at davtv.com
Tue Aug 8 07:30:40 PDT 2006

Hi All:

Presenting another round of a "good for the soul" summary of my basic 

The law of evolution: "That's better."

A value is what one seeks to gain or keep. 

Truth and beauty are felt prior to thought.

Truth and beauty are subsets of The Good.

We do not know how order emerges from chaos.

The ability to make order out of chaos is a feature of all life forms.

The present never changes, but everything that changes changes in the 

Consciousness is the inner subjective aspect of all things great and 

Models the mind makes inevitably fail to include the mind that made the 
model. An eye cannot see itself.

A rational philosophy depends on faith in certain assumptions, 
premises, postulates and/or axioms which the philosophy itself cannot 

The theory that all consists of matter and energy consists of neither 
matter nor energy.

To evoke a whole I must simultaneously evoke something beyond the whole 
for the whole to take shape as a whole.

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness when the ego says I will 
instead of I will try.

Language exhibits co-existence. It is simultaneously subject and 
object, means and meanings.

Sciences says parts explain the whole. Religion says the whole explains 
the parts.

The reason we say a microbe is alive is that it seems to act 

We interpret experience as we are educated to interpret it in order to 
survive in the group we depend on for survival.

As always, I could be wrong.


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