Re: [MD] “Atheism alone is the surest way to morality”

Peter Corteen psigenics at
Tue Aug 8 10:17:37 PDT 2006

Hi gav,

you said, (wryly I thought):

we in the west can vouch for the moral
efficacy of an unenlightened atheistic society

 I think atheists are very much a minority; few people even in the West can
dispell that fairytale part of their early training. After all, who doesn't
have a fear of the dark?

You then said:

it ain't about faith; its about knowledge; it's about
self-knowledge. and self-knowledge leads to identity
with the universe/god/whatever; it leads to seeing
others *as yourself*; feeling this reality of absolute
kinship with all is oneness. this is spirituality.
this is intelligence; this is aesthetic/moral
awareness. this awareness is constantly being dulled
by immersion in a loud/ego-based/ugly environment.

As an aethist I completely agree with that; so I don't see why you call that
'Gora' a wanker?



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