[MD] hallelujah brothers and sisters

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Tue Aug 8 09:00:40 PDT 2006

[Arlo previously]
step one. make ZMM required reading for all incoming freshman.

IMO the required reading of anything to some degree makes it an object of disdain.  When you think about it making it required reading uses using a
social level pattern (bad grade and all its horrible social consequences) to try and improve Intellectual patterns.  Hmm, something doesn't feel "right".[Arlo]
Well, I
didn't say anything about "testing" them on it. :-) Indeed, in
many ways "grading" (as it is) is half the problem. There are many,
many things that make up "required reading" at the academy (often
depending on the particular knowledge domain). Should we abandon this entirely,
or does it only rear an evil head when ZMM is added to the syllabus? I mean,
isn't a degree in mathematics, via required coursework, testing and
reading, "using a social level pattern (bad grades) to try to improve
Intellectual patterns"? Or, do you think we should close the doors to the
academy completely and simply open more Barnes and Nobles?

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