[MD] Some Abiding Beliefs

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Tue Aug 8 15:55:09 PDT 2006

Quoting David <davidbeck at houston.rr.com>:

> > I know what I like, therefore I am.
> > 
> > [David]
> > 
> > The thing with that is you have assumed an "I" from the start when you say
> > "I know".  Why is it necessary than to even go on to "I am".  It seems
> like
> > if you really want to prove the "I" don't start your statement assuming
> "I"
> > exists. 
> > 
> > There is knowledge of likeness, therefore I am.
> > 
> > Now there is a point to work from.
> Your "there is knowledge" leaves the source of knowledge unaccounted for. 
> [David]
> Good point.  So what is the source of knowledge?  What proves it is an "I".
Good question. Without an "I" would knowledge exist? I think "to know" presumes
an "I" that knows by experience. As for proof, I can't say. I'll settle for belief. 


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