[MD] Some Abiding Beliefs

David davidbeck at houston.rr.com
Thu Aug 10 08:12:41 PDT 2006

Quoting David <davidbeck at houston.rr.com>:

> > I know what I like, therefore I am.
> > 
> > [David]
> > 
> > The thing with that is you have assumed an "I" from the start when you
> > "I know".  Why is it necessary than to even go on to "I am".  It seems
> like
> > if you really want to prove the "I" don't start your statement assuming
> "I"
> > exists. 
> > 
> > There is knowledge of likeness, therefore I am.
> > 
> > Now there is a point to work from.
> Your "there is knowledge" leaves the source of knowledge unaccounted for. 
> [David]
> Good point.  So what is the source of knowledge?  What proves it is an
Good question. Without an "I" would knowledge exist? I think "to know"
an "I" that knows by experience. As for proof, I can't say. I'll settle for

What seems to be certain is there is a source of knowledge.  What conceptual
label we give to it, whether it be I, Yo, Je or whatever else is probably
not as important for what we are discussing as what is the true nature of
this source of knowledge.  Does it exist independent of the "other"?  Or is
it part of Everything and only feels separated due possibly to immersion in
a subject/object worldview? 


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