[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 08:08:25 PDT 2006

Ant, Stephen H, and DMB,

In re-playing this quote
"The MOQ would add a fourth stage where the term "God" is completely dropped
as a relic of an evil social suppression of intellectual and Dynamic
freedom.   The MOQ is not just atheistic in this regard.  It is
anti-theistic.  (p.208, Copleston Annotations)"

I always jump to Bob's "in this regard" qualifier.

MoQ is totally anti-theistic towards the term - as a tool of
suppression - of DQ, etc. People who pick up this relic and use it as
that kind of blunt instrument need resisting and educating, not
exterminating. Educating in the MoQ.


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