[MD] Some Abiding Beliefs-Part 2
gav_gc at yahoo.com.au
Thu Aug 10 03:58:31 PDT 2006
might i invade?
> >
> > [Case]
> > How can one's consciousness be greater than it is?
its not *your* consciousness. quality has you; you
don't have quality.
our brains are, in aldous huxley's phrasing, reducing
valves for Mind-at-large. the brain limits
consciousness, letting only that data in that is
necessary for survival (for the most part).
by taking mushrooms, peyote or acid, or simply by
meditating, the reducing valve opens. hitherto
superfluous data streams into awareness. colours are
more vivid; sounds are crisper; everything seems more
vibrant, alive, beautiful.
our thoughts gain clarity, simplicity, profundity as
new connections and relations appear.....thoughts and
feelings merge into one coherent perceptual mode.
the more you open the more.
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