[MD] Some Abiding Beliefs-Part 2
case at ispots.com
Thu Aug 10 05:01:03 PDT 2006
> might i invade?
>> >
>> > [Case]
>> > How can one's consciousness be greater than it is?
> [gav]
> its not *your* consciousness. quality has you; you
> don't have quality.
> our brains are, in aldous huxley's phrasing, reducing
> valves for Mind-at-large. the brain limits
> consciousness, letting only that data in that is
> necessary for survival (for the most part).
> by taking mushrooms, peyote or acid, or simply by
> meditating, the reducing valve opens. hitherto
> superfluous data streams into awareness. colours are
> more vivid; sounds are crisper; everything seems more
> vibrant, alive, beautiful.
> our thoughts gain clarity, simplicity, profundity as
> new connections and relations appear.....thoughts and
> feelings merge into one coherent perceptual mode.
> the more you open the more.
Thanks for sharing, gav. I have seldom heard so much rubbish, so concisely
summerized. Nice twist at the end!
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