[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 11 10:53:34 PDT 2006


     Case, zero is an imaginative number, not real. 
How the number of anything be zero, as when pointing
out something, you end up with at least one.  As for
infinity, math has limits and yet infinity goes beyond
limits so math cannot hold infinity.  The temperature
of absolute zero by the way has never been measured.

     All of this pretend stuff is fun.  We can explore
worlds that are imaginative and given real meaning by
us all the time.  Watch out!  I heard a ten-thousand
clawed, hundred-thousand tailed killer monster was on
the loose, people are dying everyday from this
monster.  Cemeteries are full of these dead people
right here in the U.S.


--- Case <Case at iSpots.com> wrote:

> dmb says:
> Hmm. I guess I don't know what you mean by "heaven"
> or "unmanifest reality".
> See, I think the word  "eternity" is one of those
> metaphors that very oftern
> get misinterpreted. I think that in a religious
> context, that word is
> supposed to point to an aspect of the mystical
> experience wherein the
> distinction between the past and the future becomes
> meaningless, like lots
> of other common sense concepts inherited from the
> mythos. The word infinity
> is the same way. From the standpoint of conventional
> reality, the only thing
> we can rightly call infinite is the universe itself,
> and even then we should
> say its virtually or practially infinite. But,
> again, I think this word is
> supposed to refer to an aspect of a mystical
> experience where the
> distinction between percieved and perciever becomes
> meaningless. To put it
> crudely, being at One with the universe means there
> are no borders between
> things, they no longer finite, no longer have
> definate edges, no independent
> existence. That's infinity. That's eternity. In this
> way we can,
> paradoxically, experience eternity in this moment
> and we know infinity in
> this place. Again, this is not percieved with the
> eyes of flesh, but it is
> natural.
> [Case]
> Eternity is one of those words isn't it? It's
> spiritual opposite is "The
> Void". We are creatures trapped between them. All
> religions, theistic or
> mystic address eternity and the void. "From dust
> thou art and to dust thou
> shalt return." 
> But these are not purely spiritual terms. The have
> precise mathematical
> meanings: Zero and Infinity. In Zero: the Biography
> of a Dangerous Idea,
> Charles Seife traces these ideas historically. Zero
> was totally rejected but
> the Greeks. They through it was evil and abhorrent.
> It was not used in
> western mathematics until after the Middle Ages.
> Descartes went far enough
> to include it at the center his coordinate system
> even though he did not
> include the negative bottom half of the grid. Zero
> was one thing negative
> numbers was going too far.
> Great chunks of math and physics revolve around the
> tension between Zero and
> Infinity. They both play weird tricks when you try
> to divide by them.
> Newton's version of the calculus was only able to
> handle zero through a
> trick. It was accepted and used on faith until a
> French mathematician
> refined Newton's work almost 50 years later.
> The speed of light is unattainable because as speed
> approaches it, mass
> becomes infinite. The same thing happed as the
> temperature of an object
> approaches absolute zero. But it is not as though
> there is only one infinity
> as gets stated here over and over. There are just as
> many numbers between
> zero and one as between Zero and infinity. 
> Perhaps the most beautiful example of the tension
> between zero and infinity
> is the Mandelbrot set. This a basically an
> infinitely complex line composed
> of points that go through a series of repeated
> calculations and neither fall
> to zero nor fly off into infinity. The set itself
> looks very organic.
> I have mentioned several times that zero is the
> ultimate static quantity
> while infinity is the ultimate dynamic quality.
> Quality is the ever changing
> harmony between them.
> In short: Eternity and the Void are mathematical
> terms not a mystical ones.
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