[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Mon Aug 14 17:01:53 PDT 2006

Quoting Squonkonguitar at aol.com:

> Platt: To me this means it is better to live in a society  where
> individual freedom is held to be better than social conformity. This  
> distinction
> between the levels makes sense to me.

> Mark: If you had said: Platt: 'To me this means it is better to live in a  
> society where
> intelectual freedom is held to be better than social freedom'  then i am sure 
> you would be in accord with the MoQ.

To me "social freedom" is an oxymoron. I think Pirig agrees. "Of all the
contributions America has made to the history of the world, the idea of freedom
from a social hierarchy has been the greatest."


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