[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

Squonkonguitar at aol.com Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Mon Aug 14 18:23:02 PDT 2006

Quoting Squonkonguitar at aol.com:

> Platt: To me this means it is  better to live in a society  where
> individual freedom is held to be  better than social conformity. This  
> distinction
> between  the levels makes sense to me.

> Mark: If you had said: Platt: 'To me  this means it is better to live in a  
> society where
>  intelectual freedom is held to be better than social freedom'  then i am  
> you would be in accord with the MoQ.

To me "social freedom"  is an oxymoron. I think Pirig agrees. "Of all the
contributions America has  made to the history of the world, the idea of 
from a social hierarchy  has been the greatest."


Mark: Hello Platt.
An  oxymorn is a contradition: 'a combination of contradictory or incongruous 
words  (as cruel kindness); broadly : something (as a concept) that is made 
up of  contradictory or incongruous elements.

Your quote as full is as follows,  Chapter 3 Lila:
'Freedom.  That was the topic that would drive home this  whole understanding
of Indians.  Of all the topics his slips on Indians  covered freedom was the
most important.  Of all the contributions  America has made to the history
of the world, the idea of freedom from a  social hierarchy has been the
greatest.  It was fought for in the  American Revolution and confirmed in
the Civil War.  To this day it's  still the most powerful, compelling ideal
holding the whole nation  together.'

Mark: Indian Freedom values DQ above sq. Indian (of the  period) culture has 
no scientific patterns. Therefore, Any empirical freedom,  including freedom 
from the social, is valued more than otherwise by  Indians.
On the other side of the Euro/Indian split, Euros used the Indian example  of 
a preference from freedom to assert Intellectual dominance. Indians values  
were the catalyst according to Pirsig.
So, Platt, you have Indians to thank for the dominance of Intellectual  
patterns over soical patterns.
Mark: If you had said: Platt: 'To me this means it is better to live in a  
society where intelectual freedom is held to be better than social  freedom'  
then i am sure you would be in accord with the  MoQ.

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