[MD] Dreaming and death

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 12:01:25 PDT 2006

Hey Squonk, (Jos mentioned) how could I overlook that ... your
original clarification  ..

Not all SQ / SPV's are created equal. Not only are some higher quality
than others some are more inherently static than others - how static
they are is one aspect of their quality in fact.

Brilliant idea. Don't recall anyone making that point before.

And it links well with Jos' recent summary about "existence" as SQ's.
Totally dynamic (ballistic) quality doesn't "exist" in "real" life. It
needs to touch down and form a "species" however short-lived .... not
sure where I'm going with this ....


On 8/13/06, Squonkonguitar at aol.com <Squonkonguitar at aol.com> wrote:
> Squonk,
> I get that point now ... sq latching sufficent to be a latch  to build
> on, but not so "static" as to inhibit further evolution ... the  latter
> being an inferior kind of sq.
> Mark: Hello Ian. Yes, and this may require a modification of what sq  is.
> Ian: BTW the increasing pace of evolution is natural to conclude in  the
> "memetic" world, where ideas can circulate and mutate at the "speed  of
> light" across ever more interconnected channels of communication  -
> quite unlike biological "genetic" reproductive cycles. As you say  this
> is a really interesting area, whether you'd choose to use the  word
> meme or not. (This is related to the other Kurzweil thread.)
> Mark: Memes are someone elses description of sq social patterns.
> But we have to differentiate between sq social memes and sq intellectual
> memes. I don't think the memeticists have realised this yet?
> Ian: The  internet really is better than sex :-)
> Ian
> Mark: You must be doing it wrong Ian. ;-P
> Love,
> Mark
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