[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Tue Aug 15 21:13:09 PDT 2006

In my interpretation of the MOQ, DQ affects all the levels.

Yes. DQ is simply "it's better here". 

The identification of the four levels as "static" doesn't mean that they don't
ever change, it just means that they hold a specific pattern.

The brilliance of the MOQ identifying the levels as "static" is proposing an
emergentist paradigm where new layers emerge from static patterns
(collectivizing) one layer down. "Static" should in no way be paired with
"evil" (nor DQ with "good")... "Good" comes from the harmonious interplay of
both forces, when DQ can move forward and SQ can latch the gains.

How long they hold that pattern is characteristic of which level it is on. 
Inorganic patterns hold their patterns longer than biological patterns, which
hold their patterns longer than social patterns, etc...  Just because the
social and intellectual patterns are held shorter, that is, more Dynamic
because they are working toward DQ, doesn't mean that they don't produce an
identifiable pattern.

I don't think the patterns themselves mandate "holding patterns longer", but
perhaps the age of the levels (intellectual is relatively new) speaks of the
"harmony" evolution has brought that level. Inorganic patterns are moreso in a
state of harmony (currently). Intellectual patterns are in more a state of
chaos. (Maybe chaos is a bad word here, perhaps "disharmony" is better).

This is my best explanation.  At least, I think that a time element is important
here.  What does the MOQ say about time?

Well, someone more qualified can speak to this. I think the MOQ would say "time"
is an intellectual pattern that is "high quality" for organizing experience.

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