[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

Gene M boredandunstable at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 10:30:08 PDT 2006

> [Steve]
> This is my best explanation.  At least, I think that a time element is
> important
> here.  What does the MOQ say about time?
> [Arlo]
> Well, someone more qualified can speak to this. I think the MOQ would say
> "time"
> is an intellectual pattern that is "high quality" for organizing
> experience.

One the question of Time:

There are several ways to look at Time, these days. One of course is indeed
a high level intellectual pattern that allows us to view events in a linear
fashion. Without it, we wouldn't know if something had already happened or
was going to. I think you could even trace this back to biology, since
without a linear sense of time, a species would have a hell of a time trying
to work in the world.

However there is also another line of time, that by which entropy increases
in the universe. I would say this is an inorganic pattern of value. Second
law of thermodynamics and that jazz(Entropy in a closed system always
increases, for those who don't know). Basically, the universe is a closed
system, and thus the entropy within the universe is always increasing,
forward in time.

So I would say the direction of time is an inorganic pattern, but the
perception and interpretation of time is probably intellectual.


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