[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

Laycock, Jos (OSPT) Jos.Laycock at OFFSOL.GSI.GOV.UK
Wed Aug 16 05:01:03 PDT 2006

Why not define it as: the level of static patterns at which individual
consciousness becomes subject to, and thus altered by other individual
"Rules" that crop up are just the patterns that specify the ways that
individuals can interact, they are the pattern that defines the group. The
"or else" is saying behave in this way or you're not one of us.
Based on this, perhaps a moral society should use deportation to defend
against undesirables rather than imprisonment. 
Well there's an interesting idea!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: moq_discuss-bounces at moqtalk.org
> [mailto:moq_discuss-bounces at moqtalk.org]On Behalf Of pholden at davtv.com
> Sent: 16 August 2006 11:54
> To: moq_discuss at moqtalk.org
> Subject: Re: [MD] sq social - sq intellectual
> Quoting craigerb at comcast.net:
> > What I now wonder is why you say "the social level is 
> characterized as the level
> >  of conformity."  In families, churches & governments 
> (Pirsig's examples of the
> > social level) there is often diversity & vigorous 
> disagreement.  It is individuals
> > that conform or do not conform.
> The level of rules, regulations and the law plus the police 
> and military sounds
> like a level of "conform or else" to me. But, I could be wrong.
> Platt
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